Great find! BOLD Global provides handpicked deals and savings for global student travellers from some of our favourite brands!
Try Hotellook yourself, it's simple...
How Hotellook helps global student travellers...
Hotellook — a service that helps you find and compare prices on hotels around the world (with no fee for searching). Today, Hotellook puts together information on more than 250,000 hotels in 200+ countries, working with data from more than 10 online booking systems, such as,, Expedia, and others. An easy way to compare hotel options for an initial stay or mini trips within your study abroad adventure! We think you're going to love this one...
Instantly find the best prices on leading booking sites
Hotellook compare's room prices from 70 different hotel booking services, enabling you to pick the most affordable offers.
Book on your favourite sites with no hidden fees
Hotellook operates with and shows the final room pricing. No additional taxes and hidden fees. Final prices. No hidden fees.
Set up price alerts or the hotel of your choice
Room prices change constantly. Subscribe for price alerts to stay informed of any price changes for the hotel of your choice. Subscribe to price alerts with Hotellook.
To redeem your offer don't sign up through the second button, come back and click the 'Activate Promotion' promotion button to unlock your offer.
How to redeem your offer:
Enter destination & dates!
You open the app or website, enter your destination and travel dates, and Hotellook will search through different hotels and agencies for the best prices.
Select Hotel & Press Buy
You select the hotel you want and hit “Buy.” Hotellook will then redirect you to the seller’s website, where you fill in your details and complete the purchase.
Receive your itinerary receipt
After payment, the seller emails you the itinerary receipt. You're good to go! Hotellook just helped you compare options and save!
Details on this page may become outdated, always visit Hotellook for their latest terms, product and service information.